Returned & Services League of Australia
Bunbury Sub-Branch

About Us

Learn about the club and how you can get involved.

Advocacy & Welfare

All assistance is provided free by our fully trained members.


Information about our next commemorative event.
Bunbury RSL members are volunteers who have served in uniform from one or more of the armed service branches including reserve forces.

Upcoming Events // 26th August

Bunbury RSL AGM

Bunbury RSL AGM will be held on Saturday 26th August, 2023 commencing at 1230 at the club. All members are urged to attend and have a say into the running of their club.

Become a member

Support and Comradeship

Help in the work of maintaining the hard won benefits for those who have served or are currently serving in the defence of our Country and for those who will carry the Defence burden in the future.

Find out more


Bunbury WA RSL Sub-Branch

Keep up to date with latest club news plus access to previous editions.